Wednesday, December 22, 2004 is shutdown, along with just about every other decent torrent site on the internet. Our government really sucks sometimes. Along comes a great way to distribute large files (BitTorrent) and the government comes along and kills it. In case you don't know what BitTorrent is, read the introduction page. Looks like YouCeff Torrents was also killed.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Came across a couple of cool things today... The first was a entry in the 2005 DARPA competition called RIPSAW developed by a couple of guys from Maine. The other unrealated thing was a webpage that allows you to download some rare Beatles Christmas Records that where only available to members of the Beatles Fan Club.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Came across this link today which shows the history of programming languages from 1954 - present. Also this clip from the CBS archives from 1993 talking about the internet is pretty interesting. Did I mention it's my birthday? Looks like I will be getting a nice present on Saturday in the form of refinancing my house. I will finally be able to replace all the old windows on my house and have money to fix my garage.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Today I was brushing up on my web standards and (re)found a couple of great reference sites: SimpleBits, A List Apart and zeldman. I think I might be using some of the ideas on ALA when I finally create has a pretty cool flash application that lets you paint on a canvas using paint brushes or splatter. Some of the cool features are the ability to darken colors by going over them twice as well as a playback function allowing you to watch the picture get painted.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

This photo was taken in August of 2004 at the X-Games Big Air Finals in Los Angeles, California. Photo of Bob Burquist.

I am trying out flickr as a way of uploading posts to my blog. I'll let you know how it works out.
On a more morbid note I stumbled upon Malady of the Month which is kind of like a car wreck... you can't help but look. Besides being a bit morbid, the site is actually pretty informative. I will forever have the image of the Harlequin fetus burned into my mind.
Today I found another great Torrent site: Youceff Torrents. In addition to having a good selection of torrents it also has a password database to crack those encrypted releases that want you to go and register on their site in order to unlock the download.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

You never know what you are going to find on the internet...Sensible Erection is one of those sites. This KiWi / American site has some interesting pr0n as well as a FARK type quality to it.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Yesterday I found the ultimate KOL (Kingdom of Loathing) resource guide: Kol Trance. This site is filled with "meaty" goodies.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Alex Albrecht has a great site worth checking out from time-to-time.
The Kingdom of Loathing is a amazingly addictive MMORG. You gotta try it, it's free.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Today I found a great MMORG game called The Kingdom of Loathing which despite the crude graphics is actually a well thought-out game that is a blast to play. It uses a meat based currency system, and has classes like Seal Clubber, Turtle Tamer, Pastamancer, Sauceror, Disco Bandits and Accordian Thief.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 breaks another record in July with 76,193 unique hits.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Abandonware Filez is a great site full of games developed between 1982 - 1987. You can download games like Burgertime, DigDug, Decathlon, Donkey Kong and a ton of others.

Friday, July 16, 2004

AtLast Software releases SketchUp 4.0 which is an incredible tool for quickly working in 3D. It is best suited for architectural type design, but can be used to create models for games or to import into 3D Studio Max.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

kevin rose has some great t-shirts which you can buy from his site. Kevin is a host of the show "The ScreenSavers" on what is now G4-TechTV. Kevin has another site for the hacker in all of us,

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

While looking for geodesic dome suppliers I found this cool Garden Dome 2 Treehouse which looks like it would be great design for a treehouse. I also came across a great supplier of a material called Coroplast which is a corrugated plastic.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Just when you think you've reached your limit... breaks another record with 75,722 Unique visitors for the month of April.
If you are looking for a great place to have postcards printed try They do full-color glossy postcards for CHEAP without sacrificing quality.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Found a great site for comparing Open Source CMS's
In posting a bunch of classified ads to I happened to look at my stats and realized that I had a record breaking month. For March, I had a total of 72,746 Unique visitors which beats my old record set in October of 2003 (63,808). It's the small things that excite me.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Things that I have come across lately on the internet: a torrent website. another torrent website.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Here begins my worthless posts. I have decided to give blogger a try and see if this might work as a possible solution for managing web content. I run many websites and sometimes it can become hard to manage, let's see how well this works.